The students have access to some of the finest infrastructure available in the country for interdisciplinary research and development activities, some of which are:
Medical Imaging & Image Processing Lab
- Skin OCT
- Ultrasound scanner & 3D & 4D (with Colour Doppler)
- Fluorescence and Stereo Zoom Microscope
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Digital CR
- Picture Archival & Communication System (PACS)
- Optical Microscopes
- Live cell imaging facility
- Microtome
- Antigen Retrieval System
Biomedical Imaging Informatics (BMI) Lab
- Microscopic Imaging for Digital Pathology
- Smartphone Assisted Imaging & Processing
- MATLAB/Python Computing Platform
- 2D/3D Modelling
- High-Dimensional Data Storage Facility
Embeded Systems Lab for Medicine
- Micro Controller
- DSP trainer Kit
- FPGA based Medical Chip design facility
Medical Instrumentation Lab
- PC based Spirometer
- Phono Cardiogram
- Pulse oximeter and blood gas analyzer
- Electro-Acoustic Transducers
- Fetal monitor
- State of the art electrode-tissue interface: MCS-Micro current stimulators and multi-channel recorders (Ripple Inc.)
- Assistive Devices for Neurorehabilitation
- G.HIamp: 64 channel bio-signal amplifier for invasive and non-invasive measurements of brain functions (CE Approved)
Bio-material, Tissue Engineering & Translational Wound Research Lab
- Reverse engineering and digital manufacturing
- Near net shape forming
- Histology and staining
- Spectrophotometry
- Top down and bottom up Manufacturing
- 3D printing
- In vitro and In vivo testing
- Stem cells isolation, expansion and differentiation
Cell and Molecular Biology facilities
- DNA finger printing
- Electroporator
- Hybridizer
- Horizontal gel electrophoresis systems
- Gel documentation set-up
- Southern blotting apparatus
- PCR machine
- Fluorescence and inverted microscopes
- UV cross linker
- Dark/cold room/radio-isotope facilities
Bioinformatics, Proteomics and Metabolomics facilities
- Silicon graphics workstation
- Various softwares for protein analysis (RASMOL; RASWIN)
- Software for metabolomic analysis
- Sonicator
- Western blotting apparatus
- ELISA reader
- Scintillation counter
- Vertical gel electrophoresis systems
- Lyophilizer
- Sequencing gel apparatus
- Server and terminals
- Video conferencing unit
- Telemedicine software supporting live medical teleconsultation related to cardiology/radiology/pathology/oncology/ tropical diseases over ISDN and lease lines and integration with various medical instruments for diagnosis and treatment
Shared Facilities at Central Research Facility (CRF)
- MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry
- Automated DNA Sequencer
- Real Time PCR Machine
- 2D Gel Electrophoresis
- Fluorescence Activated Cell sorter
- Scanning Electron Microscope & TEM
- Nano/Micro CT
Some other Lab facilities of the School are:
- Microfluidics and Bio-MEMS lab
- Clinical Skill Lab
- Medical Statistics & Informatics lab
- Herbal & Eco-friendly Medical Research Lab
- Clinical Biomarker Research laboratory