Our Focus Areas :
- Preventive & Promotive Health Care System
- Bio-markers and their application in Oncology
- Bio-Materials
- Cancer research
- Microfluidics & point of care diagnostics
- Bio-MEMS & Sensors
- Wound Healing Research & Tissue Engineering
- Medical Imaging & Image Analysis
- Telemedicine & Tele Surgery
- Proteomics and Metabolomics in Clinical Biomarkers Discovery
- Reproductive Health
- Respiratory Health
- Medical Instrumentation, Rehabilitation Engineering
- Healthcare Information Management System
- Herbal Medicine
- Machine Learning & Computer Assisted Technology in Medical Imaging
- Biostatistics
- Regenerative Medicine
- Immunology and immunotherapeutics
- Cardiovascular research
- After the completion of this course, the medical professionals become well equipped to fill the void that separates medical sciences from advanced technology. With the two fields merging rapidly there is a need for people who are qualified in both the disciplines and well versed with the upcoming thrust areas for research.
- The students with MMST degree are the ideal candidates to provide the necessary technical inputs to various hospitals, medical industries and research institutes who are working on innovative techniques in medicine.
- The students can become extremely competent to take up challenging Techno-medical management tasks.
- They can also be effectively employed for identification of thrust areas of research and help an organisation in deciding which kind of research would be relevant and would reap benefits.
- Moreover they will be able to work on finer technical details of an innovative idea which the organisation may be contemplating to work upon.
- The innovative concept of an intensive project spanning duration of one year in the final year provides an opportunity to investigate on a specific problem in a particular area of medical science and technology.
- The students are successfully employed in organisation like GE Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems, DRDO, Siemens etc, renowned hospitals.
- Many of them opt to go abroad and pursue further research in their domains of interest and bring laurels back to the country.
Assistantship of Rs. 25,000/- per month is awarded to all the eligible students of MMST who maintain good academic performance, and render clinical services in B.C. Roy Technology Hospital, IIT Kharagpur for 10 hours per week.